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Not Impossible Now Wins Maker Faire Blue Ribbon

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Each year the staff of MAKE and Maker Faire award Maker Faire Editor’s Choice Ribbons to the Makers that have demonstrated great creativity, ingenuity and innovation for their Maker Faire project – and we’re excited to announce Not Impossible Now  took home this top award for the Bay Area Make Faire 2014! These ribbons are handed out at each event and showcase the best of Maker Faire.

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Maker Faire is like a cross between Burning Man and the best of the DIY movement celebrates creativity, learning, building and creating - across all kinds of interests. At the packed weekend event, Not Impossible Now hosted a panel on "Technology for the Sake of Humanity," conversations with robotic prostheses wearers, and loads and loads of conversations with others who believe technology is a science best served with a dose of humanity.

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In just two days thousands of people stopped by, ranging in age from six to 86 and with skills that ranged from engineers and programmers to designers and drone pilots. Even cooler: every association made, every skilled maker met, is another potential collaborator. You can catch more photos from the event on Not Impossible Now.


Not Impossible Now launched last Friday on Say Media’s Tempest platform - congratulations to the Not Impossible Now team on the Maker Blue Ribbon Award and to such as auspicious start!

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