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SXSW Panel: Addicted to Mobile, the New Cigarette

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In so many ways, mobile is the new cigarette. Like a pack of Marlboro Reds, our smartphones are like a powerful machines of cool that fit in our pocket, waiting to be activated. And we're all addicted.

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Just as smokers have no compunction about going up to someone with a cigarette and asking to bum a light, mobile users have an understanding that comes from shared experience. Mobile is how we connect with each other and how we keep company with ourselves. It’s still true that a PC can do plenty of things that tablets and phones can’t, but it’s that mobile device that is always with us. Sure, it can be a crutch, yes it’s addictive – but it also heralds a major cultural shift.

If you're at SXSW this year, don't miss Doug Grinspan, publisher of mobile at Say Media, in conversation with Jeremiah Zinn, executive vice president of digital products at Viacom. They'll explore the shrinking divide between screens (TV, desktop, tablet, mobile), noting how media consumption and commerce habits have changed – and what this addiction means for publishers, advertisers and consumers.

SXSW Panel: Addicted to Mobile

When: Monday, March 11, 5pm

Where: Hyatt Regency Austin, Texas Ballroom

Get more details and to add the event to your SXSW calendar here.

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