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The State of Blogging: Pinterest Isn’t a Blog Killer

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Blogging is still a big part of the online conversation. More than two-thirds of bloggers are influenced by other bloggers, a sign that there is a powerful community of voices inspiring and being influenced by quality content. However, it can be hard to keep up with the changing landscape of the blogosphere.

Jeff Reine, the GM of SAY Media’s TypePad, sat down with Technorati’s CEO Shani Higgins to talk about the state of blogging and what to expect in the future. Here are some of his thoughts on how other sites are impacting blogging and helping bloggers provide great content:

  • New sharing sites like

    Path and Pinterest aren’t killing blogging. There are still excellent quality blogs being born every day.

  • Auto syndicating to Facebook and other social networking and sharing sites helps Typepad bloggers drive traffic, build an audience and even generate revenue.
  • People are exercising their creative muscle by sharing through Facebook and Twitter in the form of "status updates" – it creates a hunger to do it more.

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